Breaking In Men's Dress Shoes: How To Make Them Comfortable?

Your feet are the foundation of your body, and it's important to have shoes that fit them well. If you're breaking in New Mens Dress Shoes , here are some simple tips: Look for shoes that fit your feet. When you're looking at a pair of shoes, they should fit snugly but not tightly. Your toes should have room to move around in the toe box and you shouldn't feel like they're being squeezed by the sides of the shoe. Test out your new kicks on carpet and hard surfaces to make sure they're comfortable from the moment you put them on. Make sure that there's enough space between your big toe and its neighbor--you shouldn't feel cramped or squished in any way! Choose the right size. Choosing the right size is the most important part of breaking in men's dress shoes. If your shoes are too big, they will rub and cause blisters. If they're too small, you'll experience painful pinching at the tips of your toes and/or heels. In either case, it could tak...